Sunday, January 20, 2008

Nothing to fear.....

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself."
-Franklin Delaney Roosevelt.
If you're an Indian student studying(or planning to do so) in the US, you should also fear guns-as well as the idiots brandishing them thoughtlessly.
Why so negative???Well, just this morning I read that Abhijit Mahato, an Indian student at Duke's Pratt College of Engineering, had been murdered in cold blood at his North Carolina apartment. Why does it hit so hard???Coz I've applied to da same damn university!!!!!!!!
Gawd, this is scary. My mum is already freakin out(though I'm repeatedly assuring her that no one would wanna shoot me); my sister is eagerly praying that I'm the next Indian victim; my Dad is snoring away his unexpected holiday.
Oh well.
The stats are chilling; there have been 7 Indian victims of shoot outs in a span of a mere 2 years. Most centre around racism and hate crimes... And budding lies are brutally cut short.
Not that India is safe anymore; school children are smuggling guns in their socks and killing bullies.
Where do we go????????Why can't stricter laws be enacted and enforced against these metallic monsters?????????I hate to admit this, but I'm scared! The reality of this situation has gone from being a hazy possibility to a personal, haunting, hard hitting fact...
Sheesh....And FDR, I guess you would know best!!!;)

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Ok, as you guys have doubtless realised, my blogs are gonna be Berkeley-centric for a long time to come:):):) I wanted to talk about the ran...