Friday, January 25, 2008

Air Buddies!!!

Ok,quite unlike my usual griping and senti whining I know, but could NOT resist! I LUHVED this movie! It is cuteness personified and a must-watch for everyone!!! It's sweet, funny, endearing and totally entertaining!
The movie is basically about the high flying basketball, soccer and rugby champ Golden Retriever Air Buddy, whose athletic prowess is, I admit, pretty impressive. He falls in love with Molly, another totally gorgeous Golden Retriever, and they have a litter of five ADORABLE puppies! There's Rosebud, who is vain and coquettish (but devilishly smart and staunchly loyal), B-Dawg (the 'bling' basketballer), Mudbud(not hard to guess his fave activity), Buddha (who practises yoga and chants 'OM' to attract positive energy) and Budderball (who can ONLY eat!). When their parents are dognapped, these cute pups set off on a trail that culminates in an engrossing climax. As in every Disney movie, they are helped by kind pigs, wolves and even goats! All the dogs look ADORABLE (naturally, as they're Golden Retts-I admit some are even better looking than Neo!) and the dubbing and scenes are done really nicely.
While most people will roll their eyes and laugh at me, it is truly a movie worth watching-it kindles every kind of emotion-from empathy and interest to laughter and surprise:)

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Ok, as you guys have doubtless realised, my blogs are gonna be Berkeley-centric for a long time to come:):):) I wanted to talk about the ran...