Monday, December 3, 2007


I sit here and look out
At the yellow straggling grass
Once upon a time,
It was green and came up to my knees.
We were young
Happy, childish, immature
So much has changed.
Do you remember the laughter?
It is a heavy thing,
This sadness of drifting apart.

I can't put my finger
On the moment you stopped
being my best friend.
I still remember US
The sisterhood
The unbreakable, unshakeable trust
The battles you fought for me
The tears you cried for me
How did that change?
Why did you go?
Perhaps it doesn't matter to you,
Not anymore...

Life has taught me little yet
The bigger lessons will come later.
But one thing I know,
friendship is a great gift,
I let you slip through my life,
And not a day goes by, that I don't regret it....

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Ok, as you guys have doubtless realised, my blogs are gonna be Berkeley-centric for a long time to come:):):) I wanted to talk about the ran...