Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Forest

We walk in this forest,
Two strangers
Lost, hapless, surrounded by whispering trees
Other people, looming darkly above.
Why do you walk away; my fingers grasp at shadows
I grope blindly, not believing the things I do see
Lonely, empty, and bewildered
We entwined our minds
Only for this?
For calling out without an answer? Cliques within cliques? A night that never moves into rosy dawns?
And....a walk in a forest?
Full of trees and dreams
And a reality to escape from
It was never my fault,
You remember that...
I couldn't help it if you pushed me away.
No incentive now to care, is there?
Yet I walk this familiar path with you,
Yearning to feel familiar emotions,
All I feel is a deep sense of loss.
Shared history,
reaches out with gnarled, possessive fingers and binds us together...
If only in our hearts.
That's okay
When I walk out of this forest
This labyrinth we call growing up,
Maybe I will understand
Why this had to be.
Maybe I will walk away
As pride tells me I should.
But for now
As we walk together
So close, yet so far,
I will let my mind and heart battle, as they aways have when I am with you.

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Ok, as you guys have doubtless realised, my blogs are gonna be Berkeley-centric for a long time to come:):):) I wanted to talk about the ran...